In a number of cases, external sources of invasive penetration into the surrounding world of a person found in the world. The problem of manipulation of human consciousness through the media, imposed ideas by opinion leaders is growing every year. A person and society are completely unaware of the extent of the invasion of their privacy. Historically, the methods of manipulation are changing from more direct and explicit to unobtrusive and hidden. This is the difficulty of recognizing methods of influencing a person. The article examines how the problem of manipulation of people's mass consciousness by means of audiovisual arts is investigated in art cinema, in particular, how the mechanisms of manipulation of people's mass consciousness are modeled in the 2008 feature film by German director D. Hansel "Experiment 2: Wave". The present study presents an analysis of possible tools and methods of influencing the personality demonstrated in film production, problems arising during the implementation of such practices and possible consequences for society and the individual. The analysis of the film uses an ideological approach in cinema, the author of which was Andre Bazin. This approach is used to study films within the framework of ideology and the attitude of interest to it. With the help of this analytical method, the most representative topics about mass manipulation are identified in D. Hansel's film production. These include description, analysis, synthesis, analogy, interpretation. As a result of the research, several main levels of influence presented by the director are highlighted: family, culture, sports, education, the criminal world. At the final stage of the research, has been carried out analysis of the methods presented by D. Hansel in his film production and the generally recognized means of manipulation studied and presented in the works of sociologists and philosophers (E. Fromm, G. Marcuse, P. Kara-Murza, etc.).
"Experiment 2: Wave", manipulation, mass consciousness, management tools, model of society
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