Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the study is related to modern gender studies, in particular, the need to study women's art, highlighting the uniqueness of the transformation of traditional women's artistic practices in the urban culture of the early 21st century. Today, enough attention has been paid to the description and analysis of modern women's artistic practices in the capital's art centers of the world, while research into the characteristics of Siberian women's art is just beginning. The author relies on a serious theoretical and methodological base that has developed in the scientific space of the late 20th – early 21st centuries. The artistic space of the city of Krasnoyarsk was chosen as material for studying Siberian women's art. The main source for studying women's art in Krasnoyarsk is the public talk “Women in the Museum”, organized by the Museum Center “Ploschad Mira” on March 8, 2022, in which such artists as Daria Bralkova, Anastasia Vaiya, Lyubov Vink, Daria Ryabchenko, Zhenya Il, Maria Vlasova took part, as well as exhibitions held in 2022 with the participation of Krasnoyarsk artists.

women's art, gender studies, Siberian contemporary art

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