Rubrics: REVIEWS
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Abstract (English):
The article focuses on the exhibition of the Krasnoyarsk contemporary artist Viktor Sachivko «Repetition». The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient study of the work of V. Sachivko, despite the fact that he is one of the most striking and prolific contemporary artists. Nelson Goodman's model of analytical aesthetics is used as a tool for studying the exhibition. The exhibition and the process of working on it are understood as a specific research environment, within which, according to N. Goodman's concept, it is possible to create a new, epistemologically productive version of the world. It is proposed to discover the principles of the formation and organization of the world of «Repetition» through identifying the main conceptual themes of the exhibition and the connections between them. The results of the study can be used for further prospective study of the work of V. Sachivko and Siberian contemporary art.

Victor Sachivko, Siberian contemporary art, Nelson Goodman

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