Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
2782-540X (online)
Periodicity (English)

The journal is quarterly and is published 4 times a year.

Russian science citation index:
Yes 80776

The electronic version of the article is prepared in Microsoft Word. The text of the article is placed on an A4 page in Times New Roman font, 12 points in size, with a line spacing of 1.5. Portrait orientation with margins of 2.5 cm on all sides and obligatory page numbering. The structure of the manuscript is sent to the editor in two separate files: 1) title page 2) text of the article

Title page requirements
The title page states:

Title of the article in Russian
Surnames and names of each of the authors in Russian (see sample article below)
ORCID ID, e-mail (data are registered in electronic systems)

The full name of all organizations to which the authors belong in Russian.
Abstract in Russian. The abstract is a brief, but at the same time the most informative content of a scientific publication. The abstract should be between 200 and 250 words. It summarizes the background and objectives of the study, the main methods, including the type of study, sampling and main analytical methods, the main results with their numerical expression and levels of statistical significance, and the main conclusions. New and important aspects of the study are noted.
Keywords in Russian - 3-6 keywords
Scientific specialty of the article for which the journal is included in the List of Higher Attestation Commission
All the above information is in English in the same sequence.
Requirements for the text of the article:

The recommended length of the text of the article is from 20,000 to 40,000 characters (with spaces).
The article must be structured. Suggested article structure:
Statement of the problem, purpose of the article, review of scientific literature on the problem
Methodology (materials and methods)
Research results, discussion
Conclusion (conclusions in accordance with the purpose of the article, author's contribution).
An obligatory element of the text of the article is the "References" (References)
Lists of references (References) are presented in two formats:

In the original language of the sources (for English-language publications) and in transliteration in Latin letters with the translation of publication sources into English (for non-English-language sources). On the site ttp://www.translit.ru/ you can use the program for transliterating Russian text into Latin (BSI version) for free. If available, DOI is given in the article.
Additionally, the same list of sources is compiled for further publication in the RSCI: Russian-language sources are written in Cyrillic, and English-language sources are written in Latin.
An example of a list of references:


Almeida, P.L. Brazil Through French Eyes: A Nineteenth Century Artist in the Tropics // Analise Social, 2017, no. 223, LII (2), pp. 489-492. Available at: http://analisesocial.ics.ul.pt/documentos/AS_223_book04.pdf (accessed 20 July 2019)
Biryuleva, K. V. Variativnost' ornamentatsii keramiki ust'-kovinskogo tipa Nizhnego Priangar'ya [Variability of ornamentation of pottery of Ust-Kovinsky type of the Lower Angara] // Evraziya v kainozoe. Stratigrafiya, paleoekologiya, culture [Eurasia in the Cenozoic. Stratigraphy, paleoecology, cultures]. 2018, 7, pp. 304–311. [in English]
Bulkeley, R. Pictures from an Antarctic expedition: Mikhailov on the Bellingshausen voyage // Polar Record, 49 (4), pp. 409-411.
Krivonogov, V.P. Khakasy v nachale XXI century: Sovremennyye etnicheskiye protsessy [Khakas at the beginning of the XXI century: Modern ethnic processes]. Abakan, Khakasskoye knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 2011, 252 p. [in English]

References (RSCI)

Almeida, P.L. Brazil Through French Eyes: A Nineteenth Century Artist in the Tropics // Analise Social, 2017, no. 223, LII (2), pp. 489-492. Access mode: http://analisesocial.ics.ul.pt/documentos/AS_223_book04.pdf (accessed 20 July 2019)
Bulkeley, R. Pictures from an Antarctic expedition: Mikhailov on the Bellingshausen voyage // Polar Record, 49 (4), pp. 409-411.
Biryuleva, K. V. Variability of the ornamentation of ceramics of the Ust-Kovinsky type of the Lower Angara region // Eurasia in the Cenozoic. Stratigraphy, paleoecology, cultures. 2018, 7, p. 304–311.
Krivonogov V.P. Khakass at the beginning of the XXI century: Modern ethnic processes. Abakan, Khakass book publishing house, 2011, 252 p.

In the text of the article, to link to the source, you must use parentheses and the transliterated surname of the author, the year of publication of the source.

An example of using a link to a source in the text of an article:

Of particular interest among scholars today is the religion of indigenous peoples. Both their traditional beliefs (Cox, 2016) and the relationship between religion and society (Geertz, 2017) are being studied. Wilson in his research considers Evenki shamanism as a special form of apprenticeship (Wilson, 2013). D. Brandišauskas addresses the perception of the alien by the Evenks and how the alien (especially the political system) is comprehended through the prism of their beliefs (Brandišauskas, 2018: 36).

Illustrative material

It is sent to the editor along with the article in separate files with the jpg extension.
Includes a description of a figure, table, graph, diagram, etc., as well as an indication of where in the text of the article this material should be placed.
In the text of the article, references are made to the figure in parentheses (Fig. 1). The illustration itself is signed Figure 1. Title.

Tables are included in the text of the article, have a title, numbering. The text of the article should contain a link to the table.​

The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal implies the observance of ethical principles by all participants in the preparation of the publication.

Lead editors (members of the editorial board)

undertake to make fair and impartial decisions independent of commercial interests and to organize an objective review process;
adopt an editorial policy that ensures maximum transparency and full accountability to the author;
protect the integrity of publications, making corrections if necessary, and issue reasonable refusals to those whose manuscripts do not comply with research or publishing ethics;
protect the rights of third parties from unauthorized use of materials;
manage editorial conflicts of interest;
critically assess the ethical standards of research in humans and animals;
ensure that authors and reviewers are aware of what is expected of them.

participate in the formation of editorial policy;
comply with the deadlines for reviewing articles and the confidentiality of assessments;
formulate a review objectively and impartially, if necessary, confirming their opinion with a reference to the source;
monitor and prevent conflicts of interest.
The authors
adhere to generally accepted standards of scientific reporting;
provide access to the data they receive;
present original works, avoiding plagiarism and parallel publications in other publications;
confirm the sources of their data;
publish research results that do not pose a danger to humans or animals;
do not create situations of conflict of interest;
if necessary, correct fundamental errors in published works.
guarantee that the articles are original (not previously published in other publications in their current or similar form), are not under consideration in the editors of other publications, and all possible conflicts of interest related to copyright and publication of the articles in question are settled.
confirm that their publication does not violate any of the existing copyrights and guarantee the publisher compensation for losses in the event of such violations.
The editors of the journal "Asia, America and Africa: History and Modernity" establishes these standards of publication ethics and reserves the right to reject the publication of an article in case of violation of the above rules.

Manuscripts are accepted year-round and published on a first-come, first-served basis. The publication period depends on the degree of content of the journal and is at least 3 months.

The publication reviews all materials received by the editorial office that correspond to its subject, for the purpose of their expert evaluation.

Articles are sent to the e-mail address of the editor-in-chief - decanka@mail.ru marked "for publication in the scientific journal "Asia, America and Africa: history and modernity".

All submitted materials are subject to double-blind peer review. All reviewers are recognized experts in the subject of the peer-reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of the peer-reviewed article over the past 3 years. Reviews are stored in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years.

The editorial staff of the publication sends copies of reviews to the authors of the submitted materials

or a reasoned refusal (for example, in the event of a violation by the author of publication ethics), and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editors of the publication.

A gross violation of publication ethics on the part of the author (co-authors) may lead to retraction of the article, which is reported to the authors and all interested subjects.

Subscription and purchase of articles is carried out through the Scientific Electronic Library (NEB).

There is no publication fee.

Kopceva Natal'ya Petrovna  — Chief Editor
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University" (Head of the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of the Siberian Federal University)

Krasnoyarsk regional public organization Commonwealth of Enlighteners of Krasnoyarsk
Krasnoyarsk Regional Public Organization "Commonwealth of Krasnoyarsk Enlighteners"
The certificate of registration of the periodical
Выписка из реестра зарегистрированных СМИ: регистрационный номер серии ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 83482

The editors of the scientific and practical journal "Asia, America and Africa: History and Modernity", published since 2022, invite authors who are interested in a wide range of issues (historical, anthropological, political, economic, cultural, linguistic and others) related to the historical past and the current state of the regions of Asia, Africa and America.

The journal is an interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between representatives of fundamental and applied science, social and cultural sphere, and education.

Both authoritative scientists, practitioners, as well as novice young researchers - graduate students, teachers are invited to cooperate.

Articles presenting the results of independent theoretical and empirical research, reviews and reviews, unique archival documents are accepted for publication. The article should be relevant, have novelty, reflect the statement of the problem (problem), approaches and research tools, describe the resulting results and conclusions, represent the target audience, and also meet the technical requirements.

Manuscripts are accepted year-round and published on a first-come, first-served basis. The publication period depends on the degree of content of the journal and is at least 3 months.

The electronic version of the article is prepared in Microsoft Word. The text of the article is placed on an A4 page in Times New Roman font, 12 points in size, with a line spacing of 1.5. Portrait orientation with margins of 2.5 cm on all sides and obligatory page numbering. The structure of the manuscript is sent to the editor in two separate files: 1) title page 2) text of the article

Title page requirements
The title page states:

Title of the article in Russian
Surnames and names of each of the authors in Russian (see sample article below)
ORCID ID, e-mail (data are registered in electronic systems)

The full name of all organizations to which the authors belong in Russian.
Abstract in Russian. The abstract is a brief, but at the same time the most informative content of a scientific publication. The abstract should be between 200 and 250 words. It summarizes the background and objectives of the study, the main methods, including the type of study, sampling and main analytical methods, the main results with their numerical expression and levels of statistical significance, and the main conclusions. New and important aspects of the study are noted.
Keywords in Russian - 3-6 keywords
Scientific specialty of the article for which the journal is included in the List of Higher Attestation Commission
All the above information is in English in the same sequence.
Requirements for the text of the article:

The recommended length of the text of the article is from 20,000 to 40,000 characters (with spaces).
The article must be structured. Suggested article structure:
Statement of the problem, purpose of the article, review of scientific literature on the problem
Methodology (materials and methods)
Research results, discussion
Conclusion (conclusions in accordance with the purpose of the article, author's contribution).
An obligatory element of the text of the article is the "References" (References)
Lists of references (References) are presented in two formats:

In the original language of the sources (for English-language publications) and in transliteration in Latin letters with the translation of publication sources into English (for non-English-language sources). On the site ttp://www.translit.ru/ you can use the program for transliterating Russian text into Latin (BSI version) for free. If available, DOI is given in the article.
Additionally, the same list of sources is compiled for further publication in the RSCI: Russian-language sources are written in Cyrillic, and English-language sources are written in Latin.
An example of a list of references:


Almeida, P.L. Brazil Through French Eyes: A Nineteenth Century Artist in the Tropics // Analise Social, 2017, no. 223, LII (2), pp. 489-492. Available at: http://analisesocial.ics.ul.pt/documentos/AS_223_book04.pdf (accessed 20 July 2019)
Biryuleva, K. V. Variativnost' ornamentatsii keramiki ust'-kovinskogo tipa Nizhnego Priangar'ya [Variability of ornamentation of pottery of Ust-Kovinsky type of the Lower Angara] // Evraziya v kainozoe. Stratigrafiya, paleoekologiya, culture [Eurasia in the Cenozoic. Stratigraphy, paleoecology, cultures]. 2018, 7, pp. 304–311. [in English]
Bulkeley, R. Pictures from an Antarctic expedition: Mikhailov on the Bellingshausen voyage // Polar Record, 49 (4), pp. 409-411.
Krivonogov, V.P. Khakasy v nachale XXI century: Sovremennyye etnicheskiye protsessy [Khakas at the beginning of the XXI century: Modern ethnic processes]. Abakan, Khakasskoye knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 2011, 252 p. [in English]

References (RSCI)

Almeida, P.L. Brazil Through French Eyes: A Nineteenth Century Artist in the Tropics // Analise Social, 2017, no. 223, LII (2), pp. 489-492. Access mode: http://analisesocial.ics.ul.pt/documentos/AS_223_book04.pdf (accessed 20 July 2019)
Bulkeley, R. Pictures from an Antarctic expedition: Mikhailov on the Bellingshausen voyage // Polar Record, 49 (4), pp. 409-411.
Biryuleva, K. V. Variability of the ornamentation of ceramics of the Ust-Kovinsky type of the Lower Angara region // Eurasia in the Cenozoic. Stratigraphy, paleoecology, cultures. 2018, 7, p. 304–311.
Krivonogov V.P. Khakass at the beginning of the XXI century: Modern ethnic processes. Abakan, Khakass book publishing house, 2011, 252 p.

In the text of the article, to link to the source, you must use parentheses and the transliterated surname of the author, the year of publication of the source.

An example of using a link to a source in the text of an article:

Of particular interest among scholars today is the religion of indigenous peoples. Both their traditional beliefs (Cox, 2016) and the relationship between religion and society (Geertz, 2017) are being studied. Wilson in his research considers Evenki shamanism as a special form of apprenticeship (Wilson, 2013). D. Brandišauskas addresses the perception of the alien by the Evenks and how the alien (especially the political system) is comprehended through the prism of their beliefs (Brandišauskas, 2018: 36).

Illustrative material

It is sent to the editor along with the article in separate files with the jpg extension.
Includes a description of a figure, table, graph, diagram, etc., as well as an indication of where in the text of the article this material should be placed.
In the text of the article, references are made to the figure in parentheses (Fig. 1). The illustration itself is signed Figure 1. Title.

Tables are included in the text of the article, have a title, numbering. The text of the article should contain a link to the table.​

The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal implies the observance of ethical principles by all participants in the preparation of the publication.

Lead editors (members of the editorial board)

undertake to make fair and impartial decisions independent of commercial interests and to organize an objective review process;
adopt an editorial policy that ensures maximum transparency and full accountability to the author;
protect the integrity of publications, making corrections if necessary, and issue reasonable refusals to those whose manuscripts do not comply with research or publishing ethics;
protect the rights of third parties from unauthorized use of materials;
manage editorial conflicts of interest;
critically assess the ethical standards of research in humans and animals;
ensure that authors and reviewers are aware of what is expected of them.

participate in the formation of editorial policy;
comply with the deadlines for reviewing articles and the confidentiality of assessments;
formulate a review objectively and impartially, if necessary, confirming their opinion with a reference to the source;
monitor and prevent conflicts of interest.
The authors
adhere to generally accepted standards of scientific reporting;
provide access to the data they receive;
present original works, avoiding plagiarism and parallel publications in other publications;
confirm the sources of their data;
publish research results that do not pose a danger to humans or animals;
do not create situations of conflict of interest;
if necessary, correct fundamental errors in published works.
guarantee that the articles are original (not previously published in other publications in their current or similar form), are not under consideration in the editors of other publications, and all possible conflicts of interest related to copyright and publication of the articles in question are settled.
confirm that their publication does not violate any of the existing copyrights and guarantee the publisher compensation for losses in the event of such violations.
The editors of the journal "Asia, America and Africa: History and Modernity" establishes these standards of publication ethics and reserves the right to reject the publication of an article in case of violation of the above rules.

Manuscripts are accepted year-round and published on a first-come, first-served basis. The publication period depends on the degree of content of the journal and is at least 3 months.

The publication reviews all materials received by the editorial office that correspond to its subject, for the purpose of their expert evaluation.

Articles are sent to the e-mail address of the editor-in-chief - decanka@mail.ru marked "for publication in the scientific journal "Asia, America and Africa: history and modernity".

The editors invite advertisers to cooperate on a contractual basis.

There is no publication fee.

All submitted materials are subject to double-blind peer review. All reviewers are recognized experts in the subject of the peer-reviewed materials and have publications on the subject of the peer-reviewed article over the past 3 years. Reviews are stored in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years.

The editorial staff of the publication sends copies of reviews to the authors of the submitted materials

or a reasoned refusal (for example, in the event of a violation by the author of publication ethics), and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editors of the publication.

A gross violation of publication ethics on the part of the author (co-authors) may lead to retraction of the article, which is reported to the authors and all interested subjects.

There is no publication fee.

Subscription and purchase of articles is carried out through the Scientific Electronic Library (NEB).

The journal is quarterly and is published 4 times a year.

                        Boyko Anastasiya A.
Boyko Anastasiya A. Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet

                        Vysockaya Irina I.
Vysockaya Irina I. Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet

                        Degtyarenko Kseniya
Degtyarenko Kseniya Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet

                        Demidova Karina Aleksandrovna
Demidova Karina Aleksandrovna Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet

                        Ermakov Tihon Konstantinovich
Ermakov Tihon Konstantinovich Siberian Federal University

                        Zamaraeva Julia
Zamaraeva Julia D.A. Hvorostovsky Siberian State Institute of Arts (The First Vice-rector)

                        Kolesnik Maria
Kolesnik Maria Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University" (Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of the Siberian Federal University)

                        Kopceva Natal'ya Petrovna
Kopceva Natal'ya Petrovna Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University" (Head of the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of the Siberian Federal University)

                        Kurmetova Mariya K.
Kurmetova Mariya K. Sibirskiy federal'nyy universitet

                        Leshchinskaia Natalia
Leshchinskaia Natalia Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University" (Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of the Siberian Federal University)

                        Omelik Anna
Omelik Anna Siberian Federal University

                        Osipova Elvira
Osipova Elvira Siberian Federal University

                        Pimenova Natalya
Pimenova Natalya Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University" (Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of the Siberian Federal University)

                        Pchelkina Dar'ya
Pchelkina Dar'ya Siberian Federal University

                        Rosljakova Viktorija
Rosljakova Viktorija Siberian Federal University

Kopceva Natal'ya Petrovna  — Chief Editor
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University" (Head of the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of the Siberian Federal University)

Koptseva Natalya Petrovna - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Acting Head of Educational Activities of the Institute of the North and the Arctic, Head of the Department of Cultural Studies and Art History of the Siberian Federal University, Head of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Public Organization "Commonwealth of Krasnoyarsk Enlighteners".


The mission of the journal is to publish the results of complex scientific research in such macro-regions as Asia, America and Africa. In the third millennium, these macro-regions play a significant role in the economic, political, social and cultural processes of the whole world. The journal is intended to unite the efforts of researchers from different scientific fields, especially welcome interdisciplinary research, as well as comparative studies of the basic processes taking place in societies, countries and states of these macroregions.

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