This article is an analysis of the educational potential of works of fine art in accordance with the theory of fine art by V.I. Zhukovsky. The didactic and rationalistic aspects of the formation of representative works of art of the second half of the 20th century are analyzed - "The Surrounded Islands" by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, "Turquoise Marilyn Monroe" by E. Warhol, "The Return of Ulysses" by D. De Chirico, fully represent the different statuses of the artistic image and various educational opportunities. The analysis of the works of representatives is made taking into account the peculiarities of the interaction between the viewer and the work of art. The identified educational opportunities at different statuses of the artistic image are generally characterized as forming a personal identity. An example of the educational influence of the work on the viewer and his personal rethinking according to the schemes of actions broadcast by the work is provided.
art of the 20th century, E. Wahol, D. de Chirico, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, educational potential of art works
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